Urban Dictionary defines Fandte as: Originating from Tom’s Market, fandte is a unique word used to describe anything and everything.
"Lol that’s so fandte!" "I just did a fandte." "Snap-peas are fandte as fuck."
To put Fandte into words is to counteract what is. You don't just do Fandte you are Fandte. It is different and vastly endless with meaning, but undefinable. It means whatever you want it to mean. It is so so simple and also endlessly everything.
Fandte in relation to suitsonfire:
Suitsonfire is Fandte, because open themes exist in a collective universe of creation that is open to interpretation by any and all. None of the creations (photography, films, collages, etc.) are concrete and meant to be interpreted a certain way. Projects start one way and end in a place that wasn't intended, but was found within.
Challenge yourself to look at the art on here, but also everything in the material world as fandte and as a mirror. Don't think just be. If you hate the work I have created, then hate it! If you love it then love it!
Just continue to be open and embrace what the world and what suitsonfire makes you feel.
No thoughts only feeling, there is nothing about the work I make to understand, I wish to have you connect with the art I make so that you feel closer to something that cannot be put into words. (that's pretty fucking fandte.)